Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Speak Lord, I'm listening"


Today is day two of the consecration that the church has called. I hope you all have spent the past day spending some time with God. I'm sorry to sound so naggy, but, as in any normal relationship, its important to spend time. Seek the Lord for how he would lead you. Seek the Lord as to what expectations you should have in the upcoming church camp.

I was just reflecting on 1 Samuel 3 today about the call of Samuel. When God first spoke to Samuel, at first, he did not recognize the voice of God. He went running to Eli to check if he had called him. In the same way, Samuel did not recognize the voice of God because he had never heard the voice of the Lord. But, after advice from Eli, Samuel begins to realize that it is God who is calling him. And after that, Samuel's response is "Speak, for your servant hears". Can the same be said of us today? Now God did not just speak to Samuel out of the blue or at random. Verse 1 says that the boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli. Samuel had been spending time in God's presence. 

Would this be our response today? Would we spend time in God's presence? And would we be sensitive to God's voice? Would our response be 'speak Lord, your servant hears'? 

Lots to think about... but the key is to spend time in his presence... "Be still and know that he is God."



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