Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hey to all who are just like me, preparing for the most dreaded time(s) of the year- EXAMS.

Just a song that struck my mind while i was studying...

You are my strength when I am weak,
You are the treasure that I seek,
You are my all in all.
I'm seeking you as a precious jewel,
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool.
You are my all in all.
Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name,
Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name!

Taking my cross, my sin, my shame,
Rising again, I bless Your name,
You are my all in all.
When I am down, You pick me up,
When I am dry, you fill my cup,
You are my all in all.
Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name,
Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your name!

The line "Lord, to give up I'd be a fool" just touched my heart so so so much...
I mean... uni life is not easy and there are many times i just feel like giving up on my assignments and ask God like "
why is my life so tragic?!"

But God has been really really really wonderful, and He has been my pillar of strength.
and... to know that He is my NUMBER ONE FAN supporting me ALL THE WAY is really encouraging so I shouldn't give up!

sooooo... jia you's everybody!
n thanks to those who have been praying for me.

(additions after reading previous post)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lina's mini birthday celebration








Hi peeps! Just thought of sharing some cartoons with you! :)

The Importance of Friends

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


First time blogging over here; just thought I'd share a video I saw on YouTube. Truly Inspiring!

Nick Vujicic; I Love Living Life; I am Happy


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hi guys! Youth service is coming up soon on the 26th April and the topic is "Turning the Heart of the Children to the Father."

This morning, I was reflecting on my own father and of course our father in Heaven. I saw some likeness. Let me just share some thoughts of mine. My dad was nice man, not perfect but a daddy whom I could always depend on.

I am not the smartest child in my family. My brother and sister are both from NUS and me? Ngee Ann Poly with a pathetic score during 'O' Levels. Yet, my dad didn't love me any lesser than that. I always thought he favoured my brother more and of course vice versa but neither is true. He loved us all the same.

I remember once, I made my mum so angry that it angered him as well, he took me into a room and slapped me in the face. That just once, made me remember for life.

My father never told me what to do, he gave me a free choice to choose to do what I wanted to do but he was always there to encourage me even when I fall or fail. Of course, there were times where there were expectations, however, instead of discouraging me, my dad always encouraged me and when I did well, he was proud of me.

It reminds me very much of our Father in Heaven. God loves us no matter how different we are, we may not be the smartest, the prettiest, the most brilliant, but God still loves us all the same. He doesn't show favourtism. When the time comes for Him to rebuke us, He will do it but with love and for our own good. God always gives us a free choice to do what we want whether bad or good but He is always there to encourage us and pick us up when we fall. I'm sure God is extremely proud of us, His very own creation.

I would like to encourage you guys to reflect on who God is to you. Take time to rest and reflect in the Lord's presence. May you all be encouraged! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

No Youth Service on Saturday

Hi Youths,

I hope you guys are having a good week so far. :)

Just to let you guys know, there will be no youth service this Saturday as it is good Friday weekend. Do take this time to invite your friends over to church for this friday's evangelistic outreach. See you guys there!

We meet back again for youth service on 18 April. :)

Take care everyone,