Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

On sharing.

Teaching has brought me to places unknown to me, and feelings I never knew I had.

I have seen them (the students) attempt suicide; I have seen them hold 3 jobs just to sustain their families. I have seen the broken families, the parents who can't afford to care and the parents who don't want to care.

We are lucky. Not only because we have our earthly parents, but we have a Father up there who looks over us 24/7.

If you have a friend that is facing the same problems, it never hurts to expose them to the gospel. Bit by bit you will see them opening up to you, but you have to make the first step.

On a lighter note, exams are over! Youth camp will be held in december so remember to keep the relevant dates free...

Saturday, October 13, 2012