Saturday, June 27, 2009


In preparation for an NUS event, I hardly get the time to do a full blown quiet time. Meaning, either I fall asleep while saying a prayer, or I fall asleep sitting up and reading the bible. On a side note, it appears that after 30 days, I think I have mastered the skill of sleeping while sitting up- it's quite amazing.

Just to add on to little Samuel's post (written by KKB) about knowing the word of God and praying for unbelievers.

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. Luke 8:15

I had an argument with my sister earlier this year with regards to journaling- besides the fact that I assume memorizing verses is way better than journaling, we didn't have very different views.

She got me thinking when she said, "Do you think it's useful to just memorize and not apply it to your daily life? Do you think we will ALWAYS remember the verses- or will we remember the application?"

From the verse above, by retaining and persevering... it is not only about memorizing verses. It is about continuously applying it to our daily lives and by doing it we may actually unconsciously affect those around us on how God has made our lives different from theirs. When people see that we have something in our lives that they don't they too will be interested to know about our one and only God.

So just remember, read your bible everyday with a pure heart... and apply it to your everyday life like possessing/ having the fruits of the spirit!


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