Saturday, May 16, 2009

Abraham and altars

I have been reading this book "Reward of Worship" by Jack Hayford. He was talking about Abraham building altars wherever he went, altars of worship.

Abraham was a man of faith. Even though he couldn't see the future to what God has promised but yet he consistently chose to build altars of worship wherever he went and God blessed him.

Sometimes, in this world we are constantly affected by the things around us, the stress, the things people say, the things people do like Ike's friend, our work and so forth. My encouragement to you guys as Pastor Jack Hayford puts it,

"In the midst of things that grate our souls and threaten our peace, the Lord says, in effect, "Why don't you raise up an altar instead of being preoccupied with problems? Your worship will become an outpost of righteousness in the midst of a crooked and perverse world." "

So my dear youths, as an encouragement, in the midst of trials, temptations and what things you may face, don't forget to worship God.

Love, JJB

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