Saturday, October 4, 2008

Reflections bout' facing the Giants + random by Ruth

firstly, the colour orange and blue is seriously weird!!! becky lim!!!
errr... maybe i just have different err.. perspective?

anyway, the show.
3 things that I liked:
  1. how it emphasises parent-child relationship, and how the child actually took the first step to apologise.
  2. how it constantly reminds me to honor God in all I do. Win or Lose.
  3. the old man's faith in praying for a revival, and it happened!
  4. I like the jokes! (esp the part where he used the verse to tell the guy to hit the ball in the center of the poles!) so that's 4 things ok?

2 things that I learnt (is that correct?):

  1. having BIG faith and a right mindset really helps!!!
  2. working in a team is a lot more helpful than working alone.

1 thing that I can apply:

  • Learn to trust in God to provide for me.

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