Monday, October 6, 2008

Facing 'MY' Giants

OK..Isa here
first time posting here
requested by BECKY LIM

The movie was darn nice! It evoked so many different emotions. Facing the Giants definitely push me in the direction of fully surrendering myself to Christ. Despite that, I feel that something is missing. It seems like I am wasting talents and living my life in disobedience to God, despite any visible sin.

I myself is ‘Facing MY Giants’ with lots and lots of, in turmoil with parents, personal HEHE..


3 scenes that I like

When the 2 assistant coaches trying hard to so call ‘fool’ the coach.

J.T. Hawkins Jr.: By the way, some man called lookin' for you today.
Grant Taylor: Who?
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Stan Schultz.
Grant Taylor: Stan Schultz?
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Yeah.
Brady Owens: Stan Schultz - isn't that a cartoonist?
Grant Taylor: That's *Charles* Schultz.
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: No, I thought Charles Schultz was that man that flew across the ocean in "The Spirit of St. Andrews."
Grant Taylor: That's Charles Lindbergh, and it's "The Spirit of St. Louis."
Brady Owens: Naw, Lindbergh is a cheese!
Grant Taylor: Limburger's the cheese. Lindbergh's the man.
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: No, Lindbergh was that blimp that blew up and killed all them people.
Grant Taylor: That's the Hindenburg.
Brady Owens: Nah, Hindenburg's where you go skiing in Tennessee. Grant Taylor: That's Gatlinburg!
J.T. Hawkins Jr.: Gatlinburg? You mean like the country music group, the Gatlinburg Brothers?
Grant Taylor: [throws ball] Crazy.



Secondly, the assistant coach who use scriptures to teach the guy to kick ball.

And lastly..erm..ok next

I learnt that

1. With God, nothing is impossible.

2. The potential of surrendering your own self in the midst of any crisis is the only thing that can resolve serious and life destroying issues.

1 lesson that I can apply
Well, We can all be hero in small ways. None of us are perfect but with faith we can all be extraordinary.


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