Can someone tell me who is ESE? Is it Eugene? How was your weekend guys?
Anyway, I went to this place called Ice Cream Chef near St. Patrick's Secondary School... The ice-cream is really, really good. I highly recommend this place as they don't serve the normal ice cream like 'Strawberry, Chocolate or Vanilla.' They had 'Watermelon, Mango, Cappuccino, Apple, Horlicks and etc.' Can't remember the rest... Hahaha... The Horlick's ice cream was good... :)
Here are some photos of me and my family eating at the Ice Cream Chef place. :)

Price of the ice cream per cup and there were photographs on the wall, it was really nice... maybe I should do that for my room... :)
We should go and try that place as a Youth Zone... :)
On a personal note, here's the conclusion of 'Friendship Test III' ....
On Sunday, I was sharing with the children about how heartbreaking it felt when my friend did not forgive me for what I had done. My heart was really very broken. I think some of them who were there can testify to that. Anyway, about 1/2 an hour later, my friend message me and told me that she forgave me and thank me for my honesty. God knows, God really knows how I felt and how upset I was. Hallelujah! :)
Though we may be living in paradoxical times, we must know where our faith lies. Auntie Joanne brought up a good point on Sunday. She said to the kids, "If there are times like these, when your friends won't forgive you or they persecute you, we must know that God is a loving God and stand for what is right."
We are called the 'ThirDaYouths' that we may be the end time army that fight the battle with God side by side during the last days. When Auntie Joanne said that, it once again reminded me to stand firm on my faith in Jesus Christ.
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong." 1 Cor 16:13
We need to know what is the truth and what is not. We need to be praying and seeking the Lord. We are living in paradoxical times and believe that God will bring you through these times.
Love, Becky
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