Sunday, August 31, 2008
Today, God spoke to me about mine. I know that I am anointed and all... However, sometimes I let pride get in the way of how I think of others. For example, "They can't do better than me." Ever had that statement in your mind? Hahaha... :) If you have, it's normal.
Anyway, just week after week as I began to see how God use other people, I remember the words that He spoke to me a few weeks ago. He said, "It's not all about you. It's all about ME. Don't forget the source who has given you the anointing to lead."
Of course, I think to myself sometimes... "Neh, I'm not like that. I always remember Him." But, I have to admit, I have let my pride get in the way. Yes, I may be good in what I do but I have to remember it is only by God's grace that I can do all these things.
John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. "
Let's all bear that in mind shall we? Let's remember and know that God is the ONE who gives us the anointing and all that we need to do things for His glory.
Love, Becky
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Another video... "Japanese Snake"
Enjoy :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My face feels so rough and scaley... sob sob... :(
Guys, pray that my rash will disappear fast okie?
Thankies! :)
Love, Becky
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
firstly, to get me back into the studying mood cuz not studying for 8 months has made me brain dead.
secondly, for my twisted ankle...
i was playing volleyball then i tripped over someone while getting the ball...
now i walk quite funny...
hahahaha. thanks.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I have two quizzes for u... (Got prize one...)
1. Which is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
2. Who is currently the most influential pastor in the United States?
Post your answers in the chatbox. Winners will get prizes...
Friday, August 22, 2008
The life of a working adult... can be quite a chore... :P
Yes Joanne! :) JIA YOU!!!! and to all who are preparing for prelims! :) Do your best and God will do the rest! :)
Love, Becky
random comments
had a long week as well..
how's everybody?
prelims coming right...
add oil add oil everybody!
n remember what they teach in mkc =)
leave a little space beside you when you do your exams..
for all you know, God might be whispering the answers!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Is it Db minor or major,jie jie becky?
(boss of Sparko)
Show me Your Face
So guys, keep doing your QT. Twice a week, once a week... just try and do your best. God sees the heart.
Love you guys lots! :)
P.S. Ike, great job... signs of improvement... sure you can do better by the time your O's come! :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Youth Worship Team
Please listen to the song 'Alpha and Omega' and 'Lead Me To the Cross' on this website. It's for youth service on 14th Sept, Sunday.
Thankies guys! Your the best! :)
Love, Becky
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Flash fetish player
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Blessed Be Your Name
If your asking for it now... hahaha... a bit late hor... but if you want, we have the song in church... :)
Love, Your dearest Jie Jie Becky
jie jie becky,help me
i cant seem to find the song Blessed Be Your Name.
the song begins with,blessed be your name,in a land that is plentiful...
can u pls help me find it?thanks
Your dearest friend,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Hello from New York, New York, CityLink Mall

Hi everyone!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Bubble Tea
"Given that the tapioca pearls are straight starch and usually there are well over 200 calories in a serving of any starch (most places use around 1/4 cup of tapioca, I'd say) then add the fact that the milk is usually not low fat milk, and they put quite a bit of sugar in the drinks and I'd say that for a serving of boba or bubble tea you're probably looking at anywhere from 400 - 900+ calories depending on the size and ingredients. And because of the milk the fat content can get rather high. (There are *24 g.* of fat in the serving that is posted in the link below)."
"There was an article in the newspaper about a year ago (in Taiwan). It said that everyone should go easy on the bubble tea because the average 600ml serving has about 400 caloiries, and the average Taiwanese person is clusless about this.They are usually made with very little tea, lots of sugar, and full-fat milk powder.If you enjoy them, do so in moderation. Or try making them at home. There are tons of recipes on the internet, and you can buy the taopica pearls at most stores. You can make them healthier by adding more tea, less sugar, and fat-free milk powder."
"TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Drinking "bubble tea" frequently can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cause weight gain, the Consumers' Foundation warned yesterday.
The foundation released the results of an ingredient analysis of the popular beverage to mark World Consumers Day, which focuses this year on the theme "Junk Food Generation."
For the purpose of the analysis, a total of 20 samples were collected from beverage retailers in the greater Taipei area in early March. Also known as "pearl milk tea," the beverage is usually a mixture of tea, sugar, tapioca balls and non-dairy creamer, rather than fresh milk.
The analysis revealed that one 500cc glass of "bubble tea" with normal sugar and ice has 250-550 calories, which means that drinking one glass a day can result in weight gain of at least one kilogram over 14 days, if the consumer does not exercise, according to foundation chairman Cheng Jen-hung.
Also, the saturated fat and trans fat content of the non-dairy creamer can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, if the drink is consumed excessively, Cheng said."
So for those of you who drink a lot of bubble tea like me... sounds scary? fattening? super... I shall resist the temptation...
Love, Becky
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
i call Marky MSM TO.o...that 1 i forgot the meaning that lorr...
Ice Cream Chefs
Can someone tell me who is ESE? Is it Eugene? How was your weekend guys?
Anyway, I went to this place called Ice Cream Chef near St. Patrick's Secondary School... The ice-cream is really, really good. I highly recommend this place as they don't serve the normal ice cream like 'Strawberry, Chocolate or Vanilla.' They had 'Watermelon, Mango, Cappuccino, Apple, Horlicks and etc.' Can't remember the rest... Hahaha... The Horlick's ice cream was good... :)
Here are some photos of me and my family eating at the Ice Cream Chef place. :)

Price of the ice cream per cup and there were photographs on the wall, it was really nice... maybe I should do that for my room... :)
We should go and try that place as a Youth Zone... :)
On a personal note, here's the conclusion of 'Friendship Test III' ....
On Sunday, I was sharing with the children about how heartbreaking it felt when my friend did not forgive me for what I had done. My heart was really very broken. I think some of them who were there can testify to that. Anyway, about 1/2 an hour later, my friend message me and told me that she forgave me and thank me for my honesty. God knows, God really knows how I felt and how upset I was. Hallelujah! :)
Though we may be living in paradoxical times, we must know where our faith lies. Auntie Joanne brought up a good point on Sunday. She said to the kids, "If there are times like these, when your friends won't forgive you or they persecute you, we must know that God is a loving God and stand for what is right."
We are called the 'ThirDaYouths' that we may be the end time army that fight the battle with God side by side during the last days. When Auntie Joanne said that, it once again reminded me to stand firm on my faith in Jesus Christ.
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong." 1 Cor 16:13
We need to know what is the truth and what is not. We need to be praying and seeking the Lord. We are living in paradoxical times and believe that God will bring you through these times.
Love, Becky
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sob... rush...cant slack...Hiaz!
DonKEY...Now i kindna believe u...
"that's life" haha...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Wooooo Hoooo...... Now I'm super duperly full, need to exercise... :p
Love, Becky
P.S. I agree with your post DonKEY...
Friday, August 8, 2008
Anyway, my heart was never really for the community when I was your age (13-19 yrs old). I don't know if some of you feel the same way.
But as I started visiting the children, I see the problems there are in the community and how much these people need God. My heart goes out to them. Really... I feel so blessed just knowing that I have money and have parental guidance plus a set of parents.
However, as I walk every week, there are children running about. Secondly, most of them come from single parent homes. Thirdly, the children are struggling with their studies and their parents can't really help them much as they themselves don't understand and have no money to send them for tuition.
So what can I do or what can we do? Have you ever asked yourself what you can do for the under priveleged children? I really feel so helpless at times but I know just being there and listening to their problems is already a step closer to reaching into their homes.
The harvest is out there...
Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
Well, my dear youths, if you can bless others with what you have... why not?
Love, Becky
Test of Friendship II
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight."
Love, Becky
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Test of Friendship
This morning when I woke up, I did my Quiet Time. I was reading Songs of Songs Chapter 2. Anyway, this verse spoke to me...
Songs of Songs 2:2 "Like a lily among the thorns is my darling among the young women." And so it spoke to me about displaying Christ likeness in the world of sin. And so I did my research.
Thorns: speak of sin. In Heb 6:8, thorns and thistles (sins) is worthless and is in danger of being cursed.
In the verse, Jesus affirms her as she is seeking purity while living in a world of sin. If you notice, Songs of Songs is about, 'He' who is 'Jesus/Groom', 'She' who is 'a Shulamite woman/Bride' and 'Daughters of Jerusalem' are 'Lovers of the Jesus (don't possess as great intimacy as the bride).' Well, that's not my point.
You see, as I began to seek the Lord, He spoke to me about certain things which I said yesterday and it was not very pleasing to Him. I said something about someone behind her back and it was just wrong. Even though it was a slip of the tongue, it is still wrong.
Anyway, I messaged her this morning and I apologized to her. I was contemplating whether to message her or not as it would risk our friendship of falling apart and what on her would she think about me? Gosh... what will happen? Well, I decided to do what was right and apologize to her even though she doesn't know about it but I still apologized.
Doing what is right and risk losing our friendship? Sigh... I seriously feel like I'm walking on thin ice that may crack anytime. She still hasn't message me back but I'm hoping for her forgiveness. If she forgives good... If she doesn't, I believe she will eventually but I guess like Sam said, 'Choose to honour God first and He will honour you back.' This is really a test of friendship.
God, help me...

basically a relationship consists of a male and female right?
and as christians we should find a partner who believes in our God as well...
but on top of that in a relationship, both sides must work towards God too.
then it'll be complete.
a complete triangle.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Honoring God
High School Musical
Well, on a personal note, I would give a rating of 6.5/10. I'm actually surprised that elderly people actually come and watch too. I do wonder whether they understand or not. But I think that if you have seen the 2 movies before, you won't get lost watching this. I like the way they ice skate and do all the turns. It really takes alot of practice, balance, agility and timing. How I wish I can just skate like them....
But on another note, they jack up the prices of the food. Haha... I wanted to eat the popcorn but they were selling it between $12 - $20. But of course not the popcorn only lah, it came with a loudhailer or tub. There were also candy floss going at $12 including a hat. Didn't notice the other merchandises though.
High School Musical On Ice

I think the show is worth watching if you buy the category 3 seats... of course, you can't really see that clearly... hahaha... don't need to spend too much watching such shows...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Youth Service
It's a good opportunity to actually spend time with your family and if you are intending to do that, great!!! but for those who aren't, make an effort to, ok???? Nothing beats family time :)
Take care kids
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Great!Tiring day at mkc
Saturday, August 2, 2008
People of the Times
Ps Yeo touched on Daniel 9:24 - 27 - Knowing and understanding the times of Israel. Knowing about Israel is really revelation. Its definitely not beginner stuff - in fact, understanding Israel would mean that we understand God's time and season for earth and his return. Israel acts as God's timeclock for his sooncoming return.
I've had a pretty busy week. I've been appointed as team leader for my community service project group - that means, i'm in-charge of planning and executing CIP hours for 24 other people. The whole week has been spent on running up and down sorting these things out. I would really like to help out LCSS (Life Community Social Services), but i'm not too sure about the other team members. There's gotta be consensus for these kind of things to work. Do pray that God would move their hearts even though not all the team members are believers. And in the process, i'm praying for their salvation as well in the midst of their interaction with LCSS....
This week, i also learnt that NIE is quite a Christian-friendly place. I actually saw people reading the bibles, doing bible study and praying in the open spaces of the school. It was awesome. There are also a number of Christian clubs on campus and they seem to invite a number of prolific speakers. And, many lecturers are actually believers too! I already know that two of my lecturers are believers.
Will post more later.
Take care and stay safe
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wonder who???
Hi Derek!!!
Yea!!!! :) Hope to see you every Saturday! I'm sure God has a greater plan for you.