Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Journey of Faith:- Obedience is better than sacrifice

We should all still be in Genesis reading about Abraham. As said in the previous post that Abraham was a man of faith. Amazingly at work yesterday, my boss shared with us during a company devotion about Abraham. I am definitely 100% sure this is something God wants me and of course each one of you to work on - 'The Journey of Faith'.

My boss also shared that Abraham was a man of faith is because He obeyed God. Having faith is one thing but acting out is another. We can say we believe in God but how does that believe show in our daily lives?

1 Samuel 15:22 'Does The Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fats of rams.'

Let's take today's devotion- a great story of obedience. In Genesis 22, Abraham was suppose to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac. In our logical mindset, who on earth would want me to sacrifice my kid? The best part is God promised this son to Abraham but yet God now wants to take Isaac away. In the midst of it, I can only imagine how much pain Abraham must be in but the faith he had in God and to even obey at that moment is something that I find in hard to fathom sometimes. Can you even imagine what Isaac was feeling or how he was reacting at that moment? The poor kid...

And so just as Abraham was about to take a knife and kill his son, an angel came to the rescue. The angel said that because Abraham feared the Lord and has not withheld anything including his son (for Abraham knew that whatever the Lord gives, He can also take it away), because Abraham obeyed, God swore that the covenant he made with Abraham will be fulfilled. Abraham will not only have descendants like the stars in the sky but countless as the sand on the seashore.

Our obedience to God doesn't need to be something so big and dramatic as this. It might be something small. Each time you feel a tugging in your heart, I encourage you to have faith, obey and surrender to God. After all, we really have nothing to lose by taking that step of faith and obeying God. Yes, it may not be something that you want to do but remember that God will never fail us. Let the word or whatever God has spoken to you be like seeds that fall on good soil. Let it produce a great and abundant harvest :)


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