Just a little thought or something to share.
"Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight."
There comes a point in life where one feels defeated. I have had that instance and sometimes I still do. I still remember Yan Ling telling me once, "You look defeated." And I'm like, "Yeah I am." I have allowed things of this world and my sins get to me or condemn me.
When she said that, at that moment, I was awakened. How could I be called a child of God yet allowing myself to lead a life of defeat? And as I was reading this, it reminded me that we are indeed fighting a spiritual war. A lot of things are not seen by us but yet daily it is a struggle. Let's take a simple example of tiredness, lethargicness or laziness. Sometimes, we feel so tired that we don't feel like reading our bible. School, work comes first. With that, the war has started.
My friend once told me that I always have this angel and devil thing going in my head. LOL. It's more like whether I choose to be a b***** or to do good lar :) Yeah, that's me. I'm no angel. BUT, the warfare is ongoing for me. Every minute, every hour. In times like this, how do we be victorious?
Be strong and let us fight bravely: This is a matter of choice not feeling. Fighting against ourselves and not falling into the traps of this world is not easy. Many times in the bible it has been said, "Be strong and of good courage." It is our choice to make whether we want to do what is right or not. God will strengthen us when we need and most importantly if we want it. It must be a want, a desire of our hearts.
The Lord will do what is good in his sight: The battle ultimately belongs to God. If we choose to do what is right than the blessings of God will be upon us and victory is ours! Amen? God will never leave us or forsake us. That is His promise!
So that's all that I want to share today and I hope that we will all march on together! Onward christian soldiers!! :) Love you guys and gals lots and lots!!!