Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Three Day Fast.

Exactly what the title says. I'm starting from tomorrow, and finishing up on Friday.

"COMPUTER AND GAMING" was what I came up with.

That means,

The list just goes on. Sadtothemax if you ask me.

It also means that I can't use the iPad/iPhone/iTouch/Gameboy Advance in class.

Yes it's hard for me. But we have all got to start somewhere, right? Besides, it's just three days. Next on the list: 40 days.

I hope I don't get withdrawal symptoms.

...So, what are you people fasting from?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hi all! :) It's been a long time since I've blogged here but anyway, I hope you guys have been doing the 40 days fast thingy. I'm fasting from ONLINE SHOPPING!!! :D Heehee... I haven't bought anything so far but it's getting hard coz the BS i like is launching tonight. Heng, I have some event to go to.

I thought today's article on "Junk Art" is quite interesting. I know many of you can draw and are quite good at it. We always like our pieces to look perfect and the pieces we don't like, we throw it away.

We all know that God uses the most impossible people and moulds them into the person He wants them to be. These are the biblical mentors we should be learning from. The ones who perservere, the ones who have a heart of humility, the ones who are inspiring, the ones who speak the heart of God, the ones who take time to meditate and worship the Lord. "THEY" are the ones who gave their whole heart to God to be used by Him.

I believe that God wants to use all of us. We may not be the most forgotten, the most unnoticed people. What's more important is your heart and whether you are ready to be used by Him. I am, are you? Challenge yourself to grow to greater heights with God.
